by Tiffany Osedra Miller
Copyright 2011
Bassa Bassa Arts
all rights reserved.
April 26, 2011

Dear Reader,

Goatwater, once again, is served.  This serving features Page 7.  I will post page 8 on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.  And as always, Goatwater will be updated every other Tuesday. I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have given me your feedback and support and who continue with me on this Goatwater journey.  I truly enjoy sharing each page of Goatwater with you.  

Goatwater is many things.  It's a book of original paintings, it's a collection of stories, poems, characters, it's a novella, a novel, it's a collection of comic strips, a comic book and well on on its way to becoming a graphic novel.  It's a melting pot of different forms, experiences, memories, dreams and ideas.  Click here to start at the beginning.   Email any questions or comments to bassacards(at)yahoo.com. 

Tiffany Osedra Miller
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